What is AgStar?

What is AgStar?

Is the platform that connects startups and innovative initiatives in the agricultural sector with the Latin American ecosystem. Its main objective is to provide a space for the exchange of knowledge, conversations, and networking among key players in the agricultural field.

Through various activities, innovation in agriculture is promoted by facilitating collaboration among startups, established companies, investors, and other stakeholders.

Here, people with novel ideas, capital, and experience in the agri-food sector come together and connect. Agstar contributes to increasing business exploration opportunities, access to capital, and the building of a strong community.

The integration of innovations in the agri-food sector is crucial for addressing current and future challenges such as food security, sustainability, and efficiency in agricultural production. Agstar plays an important role in this mission by facilitating the meeting and collaboration among the various actors in the agrifoodtech ecosystem in Latin America.

Why should you participate?

Explore technological innovations

that offer intelligent solutions to help improve the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural operations.

Network and establish partnerships

by making meaningful contacts with professionals, entrepreneurs, investors, and experts in the agrifoodtech ecosystem.

Access capital

by presenting your potential idea to potential investors and accessing financing opportunities.

Learn about market trends

by obtaining valuable information to make informed decisions and align with market expectations.

Promote and highlight your brand

to increase its visibility, which can translate into long-term business opportunities.

Platinum Sponsor

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Innovation allies

Ecosistemic allies

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